Grand Champion and $1,000 prize winner:
NosferatoCorp (Andrzej Janusz)
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
Runner Up:
UniQ (Vladimir Nikulin)
University of Queensland, Department of Mathematics
barneso (Jeremy Barnes)
Barneso Consulting
LatentView (C. Balakarmekan, R. Boobesh)
ADM1 (Tom Au, Rong Duan, Guangqin Ma, Rensheng Wang)
AT&T Labs, Inc.-Research, USA
Team Reports can be downloaded in a single PDF file here (3.74 MB)
NosferatoCorp (Andrzej Janusz)
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
Runner Up:
UniQ (Vladimir Nikulin)
University of Queensland, Department of Mathematics
barneso (Jeremy Barnes)
Barneso Consulting
LatentView (C. Balakarmekan, R. Boobesh)
ADM1 (Tom Au, Rong Duan, Guangqin Ma, Rensheng Wang)
AT&T Labs, Inc.-Research, USA
Team Reports can be downloaded in a single PDF file here (3.74 MB)
Medium | Large | ||||||||
Team Name | RMSE | Rank | Gini | Rank | RMSE | Rank | Gini | Rank | Points |
NosferatoCorp | 881.650 | 2 | 0.392 | 1 | 865.861 | 1 | 0.6941 | 2 | 9 |
UniQ | 881.884 | 5 | 0.3879 | 2 | 866.582 | 3 | 0.6972 | 1 | 15 |
barneso | 882.125 | 8 | 0.387 | 3 | 866.514 | 2 | 0.6923 | 4 | 23 |
LatentView | 881.322 | 1 | 0.3693 | 6 | 866.809 | 7 | 0.692 | 6 | 33 |
Kranf | 882.383 | 10 | 0.3819 | 4 | 867.172 | 9 | 0.6924 | 3 | 38 |
hugojair | 881.722 | 3 | 0.3643 | 10 | 866.738 | 5 | 0.6884 | 9 | 41 |
Baseline1 | 881.98 | 6 | 0.3687 | 8 | 866.785 | 6 | 0.6903 | 8 | 42 |
Innovative analysts | 882.879 | 12 | 0.3691 | 7 | 868.541 | 11 | 0.6918 | 7 | 55 |
axct | 881.985 | 7 | 0.3674 | 9 | 870.801 | 15 | 0.6921 | 5 | 56 |
tkstks | 881.755 | 4 | 0.3613 | 13 | 867.273 | 10 | 0.6831 | 10 | 57 |
EnsembleMaster09 | 882.656 | 11 | 0.2703 | 19 | 866.643 | 4 | 0.522 | 19 | 76 |
Edr2 | 882.211 | 9 | 0.3353 | 16 | 869.127 | 13 | 0.6671 | 15 | 81 |
DMLab | 883.038 | 13 | 0.3153 | 18 | 866.985 | 8 | 0.635 | 18 | 83 |
The final say | 889.101 | 19 | 0.3694 | 5 | 873.55 | 18 | 0.6759 | 12 | 84 |
Team_EXL | 886.394 | 18 | 0.3421 | 15 | 868.555 | 12 | 0.6686 | 14 | 85 |
Baseline2 | 885.299 | 15 | 0.3635 | 12 | 873.219 | 17 | 0.6702 | 13 | 87 |
DreamTeam | 885.412 | 16 | 0.3635 | 11 | 873.638 | 19 | 0.6778 | 11 | 87 |
TULIP | 884.128 | 14 | 0.3217 | 17 | 869.216 | 14 | 0.662 | 17 | 93 |
albert2 | 894.071 | 20 | 0.3606 | 14 | 883.029 | 20 | 0.6638 | 16 | 106 |
Green Ensemble | 886.367 | 17 | 0.1327 | 20 | 872.25 | 16 | 0.3572 | 20 | 109 |
TUB09 | 7858.22 | 21 | 0.0315 | 21 | 8120.22 | 21 | 0.1234 | 21 | 126 |
Rank | Team Name | RMSE | Method |
1 | LatentView | 881.322 | |
The Champions | 881.627 | Average - Nosferato,UniQ,barneso | |
2 | NosferatoCorp | 881.650 | crippledGMB |
3 | hugojair | 881.722 | bipso_blr_so12-Nov-2009091014_MEDIUM_RM |
4 | tkstks | 881.755 | Ensemble Selction |
5 | UniQ | 881.884 | lm_m |
6 | Baseline | 881.98 | Linear Regression Ensemble |
7 | axct | 881.985 | s150 |
8 | barneso | 882.125 | Merged model |
9 | Edr2 | 882.211 | Single Linear Perceptron |
10 | Kranf | 882.383 | elasticnet |
The Ensemble | 882.457 | Average All Entries | |
11 | EnsembleMaster09 | 882.656 | LASSO |
12 | Innovative analysts | 882.879 | |
13 | DMLab | 883.038 | |
14 | ISMLL | 883.109 | |
15 | BusinessResearch | 883.852 | MLP ensemble after stepwise selection |
16 | TULIP | 884.128 | |
17 | Combador | 884.643 | Please refer to the report |
18 | Baseline | 885.299 | Linear Regression |
19 | DreamTeam | 885.412 | M_RMSE_ScoreMY1column.txt |
20 | Green Ensemble | 886.367 | |
21 | Team_EXL | 886.394 | IE with random sets |
22 | Baseline | 888.649 | Average Top 10 Experts |
23 | The final say | 889.101 | |
24 | KKUI TU Kosice | 889.844 | avg some models |
25 | Baseline | 892.249 | Best Expert |
26 | albert2 | 894.071 | |
27 | Baseline | 894.827 | Average All Experts |
28 | Baseline | 947.88 | Worst Expert |
29 | snustat | 1461.93 | random forest |
30 | snustat_mk | 1461.93 | rf |
31 | TUB09 | 7858.22 | ComSUM |
Rank | Team Name | Gini | Method |
The Champions | 0.3928 | Average Rank - Nosferato,UniQ,barneso | |
1 | NosferatoCorp | 0.392008 | GeneticMetaBlender |
2 | UniQ | 0.387888 | glm_m |
3 | barneso | 0.386991 | Merged model |
4 | Kranf | 0.381865 | elasticnet |
5 | ADM1 | 0.381485 | M_ALL5_Score |
The Ensemble | 0.3769 | Average Rank All Entries | |
6 | The final say | 0.369404 | |
7 | LatentView | 0.369343 | |
8 | Innovative analysts | 0.369093 | |
9 | Baseline | 0.3687 | Logistic Regression Ensemble |
10 | axct | 0.367385 | s50 |
11 | hugojair | 0.36432 | bipso_blr_so19-Nov-2009135305_auc_MEDIU |
12 | DreamTeam | 0.363502 | LogReg1version |
13 | Baseline | 0.3635 | Logistic Regression |
14 | tkstks | 0.361324 | |
15 | albert2 | 0.360562 | |
16 | NeuroTech RDI | 0.360495 | Zoomed MLP |
17 | Team_EXL | 0.342139 | NN+BLASTING+IE |
18 | Edr2 | 0.335274 | Best Combo of 10 Experts by GINI |
19 | Baseline | 0.3284 | Average Top 10 Experts |
20 | Baseline | 0.3243 | Best Expert |
21 | Baseline | 0.3218 | Average All Experts |
22 | TULIP | 0.321704 | |
23 | DMLab | 0.315261 | |
24 | EnsembleMaster09 | 0.270304 | Gradient Boosting |
25 | Baseline | 0.2522 | Worst Expert |
26 | Green Ensemble | 0.13271 | |
27 | TUB09 | 0.0315204 | Comb |
Rank | Team Name | RMSE | Method |
1 | NosferatoCorp | 865.861 | crippledGMB |
The Champions | 865.969 | Average - Nosferato,UniQ,barneso | |
The Ensemble | 866.160 | Average All Entries | |
2 | barneso | 866.514 | Merged model |
3 | UniQ | 866.582 | lm_L |
4 | EnsembleMaster09 | 866.643 | LASSO |
5 | hugojair | 866.738 | bipso_blr_so19-Nov-2009131111_LARGE_RMS |
6 | Baseline | 866.785 | Linear Regression Ensemble |
7 | LatentView | 866.809 | |
8 | DMLab | 866.985 | General linear |
9 | Kranf | 867.172 | elasticnet |
10 | tkstks | 867.273 | RSS003 |
11 | ISMLL | 867.875 | |
12 | BusinessResearch | 868.312 | MLP ensemble after stepwise selection |
13 | Innovative analysts | 868.541 | |
14 | Team_EXL | 868.555 | Coefficient Blasting and bootstrapping |
15 | Edr2 | 869.127 | Single Linear Perceptron |
16 | TULIP | 869.216 | |
17 | axct | 870.801 | s300 |
18 | Green Ensemble | 872.25 | |
19 | Baseline | 873.204 | Average Top 10 Experts |
20 | Baseline | 873.219 | Linear Regression |
21 | The final say | 873.55 | |
22 | DreamTeam | 873.638 | Reg1version |
23 | Baseline | 880.269 | Best Expert |
24 | Baseline | 880.766 | Average All Experts |
25 | albert2 | 883.029 | |
26 | Baseline | 933.278 | Worst Expert |
27 | TUB09 | 8120.22 |
Rank | Team Name | Gini | Method |
1 | ADM1 | 0.698372 | L_ALL7_Score |
The Champions | 0.697159 | Average Rank - Nosferato,UniQ,barneso | |
2 | UniQ | 0.697161 | glm_L |
3 | NosferatoCorp | 0.69407 | GeneticMetaBlender |
The Ensemble | 0.69240 | Ave Rank All Entries | |
4 | Kranf | 0.692358 | elasticnet |
5 | barneso | 0.692293 | Merged model |
6 | axct | 0.692122 | s6 |
7 | LatentView | 0.691992 | |
8 | Innovative analysts | 0.691773 | |
9 | Baseline | 0.6903 | Logistic Regression Ensemble |
10 | hugojair | 0.688352 | bipso_blr_so19-Nov-2009171830_auc_LARGe |
11 | tkstks | 0.683087 | es006 |
12 | NeuroTech RDI | 0.681153 | MLP |
13 | DreamTeam | 0.677822 | L_AUC_ScoreMY1column.txt |
14 | The final say | 0.675946 | |
15 | Baseline | 0.6702 | Logistic Regression |
16 | Team_EXL | 0.668552 | Blasting + PCA + NN |
17 | Edr2 | 0.667128 | Best Combo of 10 Experts by GINI |
18 | albert2 | 0.663776 | |
19 | TULIP | 0.661976 | |
20 | Baseline | 0.6592 | Average Top 10 Experts |
21 | Baseline | 0.6532 | Average All Experts |
22 | Baseline | 0.6526 | Best Expert |
23 | DMLab | 0.635049 | |
24 | Baseline | 0.5564 | Worst Expert |
25 | EnsembleMaster09 | 0.521953 | LASSO |
26 | Green Ensemble | 0.357228 | regression tree |
27 | TUB09 | 0.123444 | Comb |